Dentist in Ottawa - This Has Changed My Life Forever

This Has Changed My Life Forever

This Has Changed My Life Forever

It was at least 10 years in the making and I never thought this would be so life changing in a matter of minutes. For me it all started with getting hit in the teeth with a baseball many years ago. What cascaded from there was a root canal on one of my front teeth which in turn would involved many more returns to the dentist chair resulting eventually losing all my upper teeth.

After a few years of an upper denture with loose fittings I decided to bite the bullet (no pun intended) and go for dental implants which involved the complicated process of sinus lifts. A heartfelt thanks to Dr Stefanison for steering me through this, with his precision, giving me 4 strong dental implants.
Thanks very much to Dr Lama Ghantous who said to me,  when I made the decision, I would never regret it.  She finished the process with a brand new secured denture Wednesday and my life has changed dramatically. Now I’m able to crunch carrots and apples which I haven’t done in years. Watch my video on how the historic day went for me.
Ps: Thanks to Dr Ghantous’ amazing secretary and dental assistant. Kudos to the Shannon!
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